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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Meridian Vision a proud provider of vision care products and services in Meridian.

John Hogg, O.D.

Midwest born and raised; Dr. Hogg grew up in a rural community in Indiana. He stayed in his home state to attend the University of Evansville, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in psychology. During his undergraduate studies, Dr. Hogg was drawn toward a career in medicine and ultimately decided on the Indiana University School of Optometry, where he graduated with a Doctorate in Optometry. He specialized in ocular disease treatment and management and trained at a multi-disciplinary ophthalmic surgery center, as well as in Mexico.

Dr. Hogg has spent over 13 years working in both primary care settings and ophthalmic surgery centers, treating a wide range of visual conditions with an emphasis on dry eye management. He is an active member of the American Optometric Association.

Now with Meridian Vision, he is excited to help patients achieve their full visual potential. Whether they wear glasses or contacts, Dr. Hogg is committed to finding a customized solution to each patient’s unique visual needs using the latest technology and most advanced materials. He brings his patient-centered approach to each case and aims to make the experience as comfortable as possible.

When he is not in the clinic, Dr. Hogg can be found on area ski slopes, trail running, or hiking with his wife and two young children. When time allows, he enjoys traveling both domestically and internationally.